
Dairy Skills for the EU Economy

Datum: 2017-07-24 07:00:00Quelle: AEDIL




Die internationale AEDIL Konferenz zum Thema „Work Based Learning“ als Teil des EU-Projektes „Mapping skills needs and supply in the dairy sector” findet am 14. September 2017 im Rahmen des 110. ZDM – Verbandstages auf der Messe drinktec in München statt. Die Konferenz wird auf Englisch gehalten. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf der Homepage vom Europäischen Verband AEDIL, der Homepage der Messe drinktec sowie im Flyer zur Konferenz.


AEDIL has been given a project, by the European Commission, to undertake and deliver a study to help improve the understanding of current and future demands for dairy skills in the EU economy. This is an important activity for the preparation of workforce planning with the wider EU Dairy Industry – both supply and demand. Assessing the supply and demand of dairy skills in the EU needs to be strongly evidence based. Therefore, AEDIL is very keen that the project considers the views of stakeholders and employer-led partnerships that have insights into dairy skill requirements in the EU with additional focus on the Green and Digital skills agendas. In addition, AEDIL needs to understand potential delivery mechanisms, the positives and negatives.  AEDIL will seek advice from interested parties at the Munich drinktec exhibition where AEDIL has booked a small conference suite.  Lunch is available and we aim to canvas opinion with 3 expert speakers from Tampere University of Technology, Finland, Tetra Pak, Central Europe and EURIAL, France.

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Weitere Informationen:

A Guide to Work Based Learning Models



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