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EDA Column | IDM priorities – the Dutch “Roadmap for action” widely presented in February 2016 called for “combined action to make food products healthier by gradually reducing the amount of salt, saturated fat and sugar (calories).” Interestingly, among the 22 Member States who have signed the Dutch Roadmap, we will not find neither Italy nor France – countries of undisputable rich culinary heritage. Reflection on the role of the industry The recent debates triggered further reflections around the duties of food and drink industry, including the products offered by dairy sector. EDA is fully engaged on nutrition and health topics with policy-makers, industry groups and other stakeholders to help make a positive impact on the overall public health. The health and nutrition debate has always been very close to the dairy industry. Over the last years, the European dairy sector has put a lot of effort, research and resources to ensure that consumers have access to a wide range of nutritious dairy products. It is widely recognised that milk and dairy products are an important part of the dietary guidelines and recommendations across the EU. The health benefits of milk and dairy for school children has been continuously acknowledged in the recently evaluated European School Milk Scheme4. In a Western diet, dairy products provide between 40% and 70% of the 4-5 2016 | · 21 increase in the East (from 11.5% in 2002 to 18.5% in 2010). No doubt that these trends are alarming for health authorities in Europe and around the globe. Product formulation & added sugar on the EU agenda Since the beginning of 2016 we have seen an intensification of debates on how to combat the obesity challenge. It seems that policy makers tend to opt for reformulation and further reduction of ‘bad nutrients’ in foods and drinks. After salt and saturated fat in the previous years, the main focus of 2016 is added sugar. In January 2016 the European Commission and EU Member States experts (High Level Group on Nutrition and Physical activi ty3) have endorsed a strategy on reduction of added sugars in foods and drinks – including sweetened dairy products. The new policy (so called “Added Sugar Annex”) aims at setting “general benchmarks for added sugar reduction of a minimum of 10% by 2020 in food products against the Member State baseline levels at the end of 2015 or to move towards ‘best in class’ levels”. It is worth noting that the document suggests that reduced sugar should not be replaced by sweeteners as the overall aim is to reduce the sweet taste of foods. In parallel, the Dutch Presidency has taken up product reformulation and reduction of fat, salt and sugar as one of its Our range of equipment include: Milk Pasteuriser Plants | Cheese Plants | Butter Plants Homogenisers | Separators | Evaporator & Spray Dryers Milk Bottle Fillers | Aseptic Filling Lines | UHT Plants Hygienic Pumps | Pasteurisers | CIP Systems | Stainless Steel Tanks & Silos | Aseptic Tanks | Powder Blending Plants | High Shear Mixers | Heat Exchangers & Many More.. The UK’s Premier International Supplier of Quality Used & Refurbished Process Plant Address: No: 2, Broomhouse Industrial Park, Dryfe Road, Lockerbie, DG11 2RF, United Kingdom. P: +44 (0) 1576 205 895 F: +44 (0) 1576 208 728 E:

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