Events: - Nordic Dairy Congress: Adding Value


Adding Value Nordic Dairy Congress The programme for the 44th Nordic Dairy Congress is in the making. The NDC will be held on 7th to 9th June next year in Copenhagen with the CEO of Scandinavia’s largest dairy company Arla Foods amba, Mr. Peder Tuborgh as keynote speaker. The Nordic Dairy Congress 2017 will be held in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark from June 7th to 9th. The theme of the congress is ‘Adding Value’ and is framed as one plenary session divided into two parallel sessions as well as some sections for the participants to dig further into topics of their specific interest. The headings of these sections are: improving efficiency; all-time high food safety; green solutions and healthy dairy products. 40 · 9 2016 | Furthermore, the programme will be based on the consumers seen as drivers of the needs of the dairy industry for development, efficiency and renewal. In order to achieve this purpose the Programme Committee is planning for a highly dynamic programme with flash talks from PhD-students, who will introduce the newest trends within technology and science, combined with some broader discussions. For instance, the plenary session on the first day of the Congress will be discussing how consumer trends add value to the dairy industry, and a panel debate will conclude the conference wrapping up the new knowledge and findings. IDM | Events

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