
NIZO at ANUGA Food Tec 2018

Datum: 2018-02-28 12:33:00Quelle: NIZO


At ANUGA Food Tec in Cologne, NIZO will present their key themes under the heading ‘masters in product-process interactions’. They invite you to visit their stand at Boulevard Central, Aisle A, number A026, to discover their solutions for processing issues. NIZO’s processing experts will be at the ANUGA Food Tec to guide you through their food grade processing centre, (largest in Europe), state-of-the art laboratories, analysis tools and predictive models. This will help you improving your process efficiency and cost effectiveness, while maintaining product quality.

NIZO’s unique combination of in-depth expertise in process–product interactions makes them perfectly equipped to:

• Solve your up-scaling challenges

• Reduce time to market for your new ingredients and products

• Reduce investment risks for your new production facility

• Solve your production issues and improve your process efficiency


Interested in mastering product-process interactions? Visit their booth and join their presentations during the 3rd International Conference on Separation & Drying Technologies for Milk and Whey. This 2-day event will begin the day before Anuga FoodTec commences and it will take place in the conference center on the fairgrounds in Cologne. Monday the 19th of March at 2.50 P.M Maykel Verschueren, Expertise Group Leader Processing, will give a presentation about Optimization of Dryer Capacity using Predictive Modelling. NIZO’s Senior Project Manager Protein Functionality, Laurice Pouvreau will present about Key routes for optimizing spray-drying of milk protein ingredients, during the day the ANUGA Food Tec will start, on Tuesday the 20th of March at 11.40 A.M.


For more information about NIZO, visit their website: http://www.nizo.com


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