
New Report; Global Market for Sports and Dairy Ingredients

Datum: 2015-05-22 07:05:00Quelle: 3A Business Consulting

3A Business Consulting has published a new report entitled “Global Market for Sports and Dairy Ingredients”. The paper fetaures anlysis of the sports nutrition market and dairy ingredients used, global sports nutrition market data and trends, key players and distribution channels, ingredient volume usage and major users, ingredient applications and product launches, key dairy ingredient companies and dairy ingredient trade analysis. The CAGR of the sports nutrition market is tremendous, ranging from 4.9% in Asia Pacific to 8.1% in North America (2014 – 2019).

The report is available in PDF format and has more than 90 pages. Info: 3A Business Consulting, Tage Affertsholt, phone: +45 7021 0098 – fax: +45 8613 5066, E-mail: ta@3abc.dk, Web: www.3abc.dk.


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